The Ducks Behind ShipDucky

Ship Ducky is more than just a Duck with a Message! It started as an idea between two old college friends that reunited in 2021. While getting together on a Saturday afternoon, the idea of presenting people with an item that brings back that nostalgic childhood happiness came to fruition. A Yellow Rubber Duck represents more than just a memory within us all. It is a time where we all enjoyed the simplicities of life & had lived carefree!
With that ShipDucky was born.
The idea is that you can send a ShipDucky with a message to absolutely anyone, anywhere around the world. Whether it is to congratulate someone, a joke you want to give to someone, a way to make someones day or to break bad news to someone, The Duck is at your expense!! 
Moe Taleb                                                 Eric Podbevsek
ShipDucky Co-Founders
"A Lifetime Duck"